The next 3 pics are from the Redhook Brewery 5k race that Dan and Matt Compton ran. The boys ran in the kids fun run which was a 50 yard dash (Nick and I beat Dan and Nate). While we were waiting for the guys to come in, Nick got to see the inside of an ambulance which was the highlight of his day. Dan and Matt passed the finish line at about 23 min. and 15 seconds. After the race we headed to Warren's in Kittery for lunch. It is a seafood restaurant but it also known for it's Salad Bar, who knew!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend
The next 3 pics are from the Redhook Brewery 5k race that Dan and Matt Compton ran. The boys ran in the kids fun run which was a 50 yard dash (Nick and I beat Dan and Nate). While we were waiting for the guys to come in, Nick got to see the inside of an ambulance which was the highlight of his day. Dan and Matt passed the finish line at about 23 min. and 15 seconds. After the race we headed to Warren's in Kittery for lunch. It is a seafood restaurant but it also known for it's Salad Bar, who knew!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Bedtime Chaos
Today was a bit crazy since Dan left early for work and didn't get home until about 7pm. The weather was threatening to rain all day but didn't actually follow through until about 7:30pm. I fed the boys and got them in their pj's. I told them that they could wait up for Daddy. Dan came home and read them a book. Both boys were acting silly so I decided to take out the camera and capture some of the giddiness. While I was snapping pictures and the rain was subsiding we all got to see a big rainbow which I was able to get on camera. It just seemed to end the day on a high note.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Visit to the Lakes Region
Well Dan left on Wednesday for a convention in Florida and won't be home until Saturday night. My mom came on Wednesday to watch the boys for a few hours, well really only Nathan since Nick was napping the whole time. Nathan had a melt down when it was time for her to leave, so on Thursday we decided to head on up to Gilford/Laconia to see my family. Good thing we have a van cause I brought the dog as well. We definitely needed a change of scenery and different toys for the boys to play with. We hung out at my mom's and played outside in the sandbox and then Nathan decided he wanted to use the water hose to wash my car. It didn't take long before he realized he could spray everyone else as well. We then headed over to my fathers to see the tractor that was parked in his backyard. The boys were beside themselves. We went back to my mom's where they got to play with Bumpa before they ate dinner. Then it was up for baths and into bed. Friday we went to breakfast with my dad which was chaotic at first. Nathan insisted that he needed to pee in the potty so I brought him into the restroom stall where he declared that he needed a urinal. He finally went, then it was back to the table for ordering. The waitress didn't seem too happy to have to wait on us since Nicholas was throughing crayons and silverware and Nathan was trying to steal his tractor. Grand B saved the day with his skillful art work of dogs, tractors, cars and dump trucks. After breakfast we went back to see the tractor, then back to Mami's to pick up the dog then home ward bound. It is so nice to visit family, but it always feels nice to come home too.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
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