Nathan decided he should try out his cousin Lux's baby stroller to make sure it was working ok

Relaxing with Uncle Mickey after all the festivities

Lux very interested in Nick's cars
Nick loves his firetruck/city which is on the inside
I am finally back up and running with the blog. We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year! One of my Christmas presents was a new camera which wasn't much of a surprise since Nathan was very excited to tell me all about my new camera. However, when Dan was getting the SD card out of the old camera to put into the new one he decided to take the battery out as well and then reinsert it (which I had done numerous times while trying to fix it) and the camera decided to work again. So now I have two cameras which is good in case the old one decides to take a break on me again. The last time I posted was back in October so since then Nathan has been taking skating lessons and is doing very well. Nicholas has gotten on skates and has made progress with standing and bearing his weight on the skates while holding hands with Dan and actually shuffling his feet a little bit. We had a wonderful Christmas filled with love and gifts. The boys were very excited for Santa to come. Nathan did ask how Santa was going to get through our fireplace since we have a glass panel on it? I told him that Santa could put himself inside by magic. He seemed to think a better idea would be for Santa to break the glass. I told him that if Santa broke the glass then he would wake us up and then he wouldn't be able to leave the gifts. That seemed to be a good enough
explanation for now! Nicholas was excited as well but hasn't quite started thinking rationally about the entire Santa process, he was just happy to have lots of paper to rip into. Overall it was a great Christmas and a happy new year!