Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

I think I have finally figured out how to include pictures into my posts. The first two pictures are from a birthday party we went to on Saturday at the Compton's. The boys played hard and got filthy as you can see (I forgot the camera so made the boys stay in the car while I got the pics). Fun was had by all and Nick said "this is the best birthday party ever".

The next 3 pics are from the Redhook Brewery 5k race that Dan and Matt Compton ran. The boys ran in the kids fun run which was a 50 yard dash (Nick and I beat Dan and Nate). While we were waiting for the guys to come in, Nick got to see the inside of an ambulance which was the highlight of his day. Dan and Matt passed the finish line at about 23 min. and 15 seconds. After the race we headed to Warren's in Kittery for lunch. It is a seafood restaurant but it also known for it's Salad Bar, who knew!

1 comment:

Dr. Jennifer Shu said...

Great blog! I love the pictures of the boys! Will check back for your latest posts.