Happy Birthday Nathan! Well he turned 4 on August 3rd, over a week ago and I am just now getting the pictures uploaded. It was a great day for a birthday. Dan's mom "Grammy" came up to help us celebrate, as well as Aunt Princie and Uncle Mickey. We went out for dinner, then came back for ice cream cake. Nathan enjoyed having everyone sing to him and being able to blow out his candle. Looking at the pictures you would think that is was Nick's birthday. He preferred to eat the cake without a fork. It reminded me of the Brady Bunch episode where Peter is in the ice cream eating contest and can't use his hands, need I say more! I think Nick was wanting it to be his birthday because when I was putting up to bed he said he wanted a birthday party. I remember when I was younger and it was one of my sister's birthdays I always wanted it to be mine too. He only has to wait a month and a half before it is his turn. I can't believe our oldest son is 4, the time has gone by so quickly. Before I know it he will be 18 and off to college, so I better not blink!
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