Here are Nathan's first set of school pictures! I can't believe they came out so good. I guess I thought he wouldn't cooperate and would act silly, since he isn't always so candid with the camera, or maybe it is the delay on my camera that doesn't always capture the image I am trying to get. I totally forgot that Oct. 1st was picture day, we had just gotten back from Disney that Saturday so had I remembered he would have been wearing a collard shirt. He is loving preschool and making friends. Colin, Julia, and
Sydni are the same three names he always says when we ask who his friends are. Colin is sitting right in front of him in the class picture, and Julia is wearing the black shirt, I am not sure which one is
Sydni I will have to have him point her out. I would have had more posts between October 5
th and now but my camera has been acting up and according to HP tech support it is a malfunction and I need a new camera. The only way I was able to add the school pics was by scanning them. I guess I have to have the rest of the pics on my camera card printed out so I can then post them. Needless to say I will have to take a blogging hiatus for the time being until we resurrect the old camera or get a new one. Until then, I will do what I can!
Adorable!!! And his shirt is cute!!!
Not that you asked, but I am going to offer...Go for the Canon Rebel XTI...You won't regret the choice even though it's a hog to carry around...The picture snaps when you take your shot...so worth the money. I wish I had made the switch a way long time ago!
Thanks Lynette, I will definitely take a look at the Canon,I appreciate your advice!
I love school pictures! He looks very happy and I too agee the shirt is cute! He's just beginning to spread his wings. Soon he'll be soaring!!! These are truely the "Golden Years"..
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