Tuesday, August 12, 2008

John Deere Gator

So sorry it has taken me so long to post something new, it has been a bit busy lately, but that is no excuse. Anyway, This John Deere Gator is a Birthday gift for the boys from "Tickle". They were so excited to get it and the first day they were very good about sharing it. Since then we have had some ups and downs with taking turns. Nathan is a good driver, and Nicholas, well not so much. In fact we had a few collisions when Nick drove it for the first time. And Nathan actually fell off of it while Nick was having his turn. Since it has been raining they haven't had a chance to drive it. So the other day while there was a break in the weather we headed outside. Both boys wanted to drive it first of course, and some bad behavior took place. There was biting, head butting and pushing. I had to intervene and drag them both off of this toy. I declared that they would not get to drive it anymore that day, and then we had some meltdowns. Thankfully Dan arrived shortly after and took Nathan with him to the store while Nicholas went up for a much needed nap. This was not a productive lesson on sharing and hopefully they will be better about it in the future. You can be sure that I will let you know!


Grammy said...

All I can say is it WILL get better, I promise. Sharing & taking turns takes time to learn, but YOU are doing a great job. I so enjoy the photos & comments. I look at them daily and am amazed at how much they have grown. Thanks for sharing..

sawicky99 said...

AWESOME!!! Hang in there! Super cute pictures and YEAH for daddy coming home to help intervene! Some days it feels like it's going to take forever to get through the day! And then I turn around and realize that Charley starts kindergarten 3 weeks from today. Can you believe that? Our little baby all grown up!

Toni said...

Such busy little boys!! I don't know where you find the time. I love all the pictures and really enjoy watching them grow. int